Monday 28 July 2014

Pain is like a healing emotional fever.

The truth is that life can be very difficult at times. There can be a lot of pressure to keep it all together, to be smart and beautiful, to be so good and perfect. But sometimes we don't have it together at all. Sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes we don't feel good or look our best. Sometimes things are not good at all and we feel miserable, lonely or depressed. If you have lost your way and feel down, that feeling belongs to you. If you feel miserable  it's yours, and no one should take it away from you. Maybe things really aren't very good at all right now. Maybe you have good reasons to be depressed, and the last thing you need is someone telling you to be happy.

 But one thing you do need, is at least the respect from others to let you sit with your valid feelings. You don't always need a cheerleader, but just someone to be a friend and acknowledge where you really are, and how you really feel. Real problems can't be fixed with a motivational poster, a cute quote or a pat on the back. While you are in your pain, it does not matter how intrinsically special you are, or how beautiful life is, or how precious each moment is  if you don't accept and respect your suffering, it isn't going anywhere. Submit to your pain, don't suppress your pain. If you can sit with your pain, listen to your pain and respect your pain in time you will move through your pain...

Pain is like a healing emotional fever. Allow your pain to cleanse you and burn away what needs to die. A new and better you will grow from the ashes. The most important parts of your life will be marked by pain. Some of the most amazing people in the world were not perfect they were scarred by suffering, hardships, losses and imperfections. But, when they recovered, they were stronger, wiser, and more loving and compassionate. Your life is going to get better in the proper time, and you will be stronger and more at peace than ever before. Out of our suffering we emerge. Our struggles are really our only hope. Stay strong. God is on your side. and, will bless you always...!!!!

Thursday 10 July 2014

Real transformation requires real honesty.

If you want a great life try being kind. It is surprising what power being kind, mannered, polite and considerate has in transforming your life. If you are rude, cynical, habitually-sarcastic or pessimistic, your life options are going to be very limited. Playful, positive sarcasm is different from negative mean sarcasm, and many people don't know the difference. Be careful with people's feelings. Elevate your thinking and comportment. Many people live in an induced spiritual comma; they are inherently vicious, and are completely unaware of their malady. They exist in a mean-spirited and competitive autopilot mode. Unconscious people are spiritually stunted, effectively encasing their unique brilliance in a psychological tumor. There is a coarse and ugly temperament and tenor observable in the common unconscious person. This piggish coarseness looks like impatience, intolerance, rudeness, vulgarity, selfishness, self-righteousness, ignorance, condescension and mockery. I know what it looks like because it was once in me. Maybe you are a pig and don't even know it. Have you ever considered it? Maybe you don't just have "bad luck"  maybe you are caught-up in a rush of ugliness. The nasty are trampled beneath the feet of other pigs.

By being beautiful and kind you are given favored status and opportunity in life. Love can take you from any depth and place you on the highest mountain. Choosing beauty and love does not mean being uninformed or weak; it means you clearly see the ugliness, but choose love anyway. Beauty is so simple and it is all around you if you look. Beauty is reaching for you if you you will hold out your hand in good faith. A blessed life will not come and force you to receive its blessings; receivership is a handshake requiring your earnest reach. Spirituality is very much about putting yourself in proper order. Strive to become a beautiful person. Live with kindness, integrity and care. Comport yourself with grace under pressure. Don't hurt people! Be an asset in the lives of others. Put people before things and live from your heart. Be intelligent, but know it is better to be kind than smart. Be a peacemaker who values peace and takes peace everywhere you go. Learn to understand your energy and how you create with your energy. Have among your priorities the characteristics of politeness, compassion and patience. Avoid making rash assumptions. Be a believer in true love. Have faith in people. Seek deep communication with others and with yourself. Laugh and make the best of every situation and understand that life is not perfect.

Real transformation requires real honesty. If you want to move forward get real with yourself. Change will never happen if you lack the ability and courage to see yourself for who you really are. Begin to elevate yourself today. Try to make better decisions. Become a beauty seeker. If you can begin to believe in your own beauty, you can then begin to believe in the beauty of others. The transformation of the world takes place in your heart. Once you reach the summit of your own heart you will see beauty is everywhere.